Sunday 9 September 2012

Some Azores Photos

I had a few nice photos left over that didn't really fit anywhere else. If any other contributors (or students) also have photos then either add them or send them to me:

Gryllus bimaculatus

Oxalis purpurea L. This plant was brought to the Azores as an
ornamental garden plant, but has since naturalized and is
very common in pastures. This one was found in the pasture
at Remedios, where we counted army worm caterpillars.

Anax imperator

Amanita sp. (I'd call this A. pantherina in the UK)

Clonopsis gallica

Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria)

Ischnura pumillio

Possibly a  juvenile Agalenate redii (Araneidae), known from
São Miguel. Less likely, but possibly, it could be Neoscona
, known only from neighbouring islands. Thanks
to Jørgen Lissner for these suggestions. If you want to know
more about spiders, you should visit "The Spiders of the Azores"
by Jørgen Lissner and Paulo Borges. (Photo: Paul Ramsay)

A female bush-cricket. (Photo: Paul Ramsay)

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